I do not trust just in words

The mini grant competition on materials on medium-significance NGO „Institute for the Development of Regional Press – RPDI“ and the ECPMF announces a competition for small grants to create journalistic materials aimed at increasing the media literacy of the audience in the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine. Fake news, manipulations, propaganda and disinformation – […]

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Sechs Möglichkeiten Falschnachrichten zu enttarnen.

Чи знаєте ви про 6 головних маніпулятивних методів, які допомагають створити фейкову новину? Ольга Юркова розказала нам про те, як розпізнати феки та не піддаватися на методи маніпуляцій. Матеріал підготовлено для GIJN – the global network of investigative journalists. watch here

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School of Journalism in Berdyansk

For eight days, journalists and bloggers from the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine have been working on the development of professional knowledge and critical perception of information. Sunny and interesting days with creative and experienced trainers pushing beyond the comfort zone.

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re:start democratic discourse – ECPMF and RPDI launch a new media literacy training project for rural Ukraine

The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) and the Regional Press Development Institute (RPDI) in Kyiv are launching the project ‚re:start democratic discourse‚ in the Southeast of Ukraine. Its main purpose is to improve the professional skills of media workers and the media literacy of the population. According to a 2017 study by […]

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